Scientific Topics
Focus on the Electrochemical Engineering as the key enabling overcoming current societal problematics: ENERGY - ENVIRONMENT - LIFE…. 1) ‘New’ Challenges: Societal -Economic -Environmental Impacts, recycling and valorization, life cycle assessment … 2) Reduced scale and 3-D electrochemical Engineering (local electroanalysis, µ/n reactors, µ/n scale architectures, new integrated processes coupling biology/electrochemistry… 3) Energy conversion and storage (all areas: New Prospects, Lithium, Supercapacitors, Fuel Cells, Redox Flow Batteries, Biofuel Cells, Cells in connection with Renewable Energy Sources,…). 4) Electrochemical degradation of wastes-pollution abatement (organic/mineral/drugs, soils, dyes), Water treatment electrochemistry, CO2 electromanagement,…. 5) All areas of electrosyntheses (organic/mineral/molten salts/ionic liquids/supercritical, bioelectro- syntheses), photoelectrochemistry. 6) Electroseparations (Electrodialysis, Electrophoresis, ana/cata-phoresis, Electrocoagulation/ floculation, capacitive deionization,….). 7) Electrodeposition-Electrocrystallization-Electrochemical machining and applications (refining, recycling of the raw metallic materials, urban mining, surfaces treatment/modification…). 8) Design modelling and simulation of electrochemical devices. 9) New materials for electrochemical reactors and peripherals (transfers enhancers for electron, mass and heat, Electrode functionalization, Electrocatalysis, NEMCA, transfers in semi solid media,...). 10) Corrosion and Biocorrosion engineering. 11) Industrial problematics - Speakers from industry highly solicited.
Contributions from PhD students are strongly encouraged.
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